Andy Martin
Firstly, many happy returns, albeit we unfortunately do not have a lot to celebrate at this moment in time. However, memories and the prospect of returning to your, and my personal favourite course, once again in the near future provides me with something to look forward to.
I’ve attached a couple of memoirs for your consideration regarding your 20th Birthday Celebration Request. The first, with an accompanying photograph, was taken during one of the many Belhaven Spring Cups we played at your course.
On this occasion, unknown to the rest of his teammates, Mr Grant Smith surprised us in the locker room by providing each of us with a pair of Royal & Awesome printed trousers. As you can imagine, the only word to describe them was ghastly! Having gotten over the early ridicule and the inevitable comments in the clubhouse, we made our way to the first tee.
Your starter took one look at us and promptly declared, “Well, guys, you must all be some players to carry off wearing clobber like that,” to which we all promptly looked at each other as our knees began to shake. Low and behold, one by one, we each drove straight down the middle and thanked the starter as we made our way down the first with our chests puffed out. I do recall, however, that it was the only hole in the round where this actually happened!
NB: You might recognise one of your 2019 staff members in the photo, Mr Clark Wilson, accompanied by me, Mr Andy Martin, Mr Grant Smith, and Mr Robbie Crawford.
The second memoir is actually a verbal recollection, one I am still merrily reminded of to this day. It happened on a different occasion but with the same group. Having played a great round, with all still to play for going down the 18th, I hit a good drive against the wind, which left me the option to either lay up or go for the green in two. A confident 10 handicapper, I hummed and hawed for several minutes, watched our playing partners knock it short, and then decided to go for it – against my partner’s advice.
Taking out my rescue club, I performed several ‘great’ practice swings and stood over the ball feeling completely confident, only to top it about 75 yards low along the fairway. This was, of course, met with a chorus of laughter.
The comments immediately followed: “I thought you weren’t laying up,” and “Great shot laying up with a rescue!” Almost every round since, I’ve been reminded of that moment.
Lots of great memories, and hopefully, a lot more to look forward to in the future. Keep up the great work on an amazing course!